We would love to provide a free presentation to your group, neighborhood, or club. Contact us.

Making Our Homes Safer, Cleaner and Greener

A Primer on the dangers of methane gas in our homes and appliances, the critical role methane plays in our current planetary crisis and what we as individuals can do about it.

Presented by Brett Baylor

Presented to:

  • 350 Washington County
  • MCAT General Meeting Nov. 2022
  • First Unitarian Church, Portland
  • Sellwood Moreland Improvement League (SMILE)
  • Sunnyside Neighborhood Association
  • Eastside Village
  • Brooklyn Action Corps
  • Richmond Neighborhood Association
  • Pearl District Neighborhood Association
  • Hosford Abernathy Neighborhood District (HAND)
  • Hillsdale Neighborhood Association

An Introduction to the Oregon Climate Action Plan”

 An Overview of Gov. Brown’s Executive Order 20-04, the foundation of the current Climate Protection Program. Originally presented in 2020, this presentation depicts the interrelationships and dramatic events of the worldwide Covid shutdown, the murder of George Floyd and the Climate crisis and lays out the basic elements of the Executive Order. The emphasis is on how Oregon has made a difference — both past and future. 

Presented by Brett Baylor & MCAT

Presented to:

  • Willamette View Green Team
  • Rose Villa Green Team
  • Mirabella Portland
  • Holladay Park Plaza
  • Southminster Presbyterian Church
  • Agents of Change Eco-School Network

“From Knowledge to Power: An Evening with Dr. John Perona”

Originally an online premiere of Dr. John Perona’s outstanding 2021 book “From Knowledge to Power”, this presentation is a fantastic evening with the author. K2P is a comprehensive handbook for climate science and advocacy that walks the reader through the intricacies of climate science in terms a layperson can easily understand, and then suggests the most effective and powerful approaches to climate advocacy.

To arrange a presentation for your group, contact John.

State of the Climate 2024

In this presentation, Dr. Perona reviews 2023 temperature and carbon dioxide emissions data worldwide and for the US. Also discussed are United Nations climate treaty processes, sector analysis of progress on emissions reductions, and events at COP28 in December, 2023.

Link to a recording of it:


Passcode: =BhYI4&T

To arrange a presentation for your group, contact John.

Offshore Wind and Oregon’s Clean Energy Future

Why offshore wind provides a principal answer to clean energy needs and a significant economic opportunity for Oregon. Originally presented to Lewis & Clark University in 2019.

Presented by Michael Mitton

Global Warming Risks and Solutions

Human activity over the past 150 years, has caused the planet to warm sufficiently so that we are now seeing extreme weather events, ranging from droughts, floods, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, ocean acidification and more – simultaneously across the globe.  These results are the climate change damages that scientists and activist have been warning about for decades.  Oregon has taken a leadership role in passing public policy to transition the state to a clean energy future, and this talk will discuss what’s being done in Oregon, what more needs to be supported, and how do we have a global impact?

Presented by Pat DeLaquil

Green Hydrogen — A Versatile Energy Carrier 

A detailed primer on green hydrogen, this talk discusses most and least efficient applications of hydrogen and the critical climate-effecting differences between the varieties of hydrogen.

Presented by Michael Mitton

Global Temperature: Why So Little Means So Much!

Public awareness of the climate crisis is growing but support for mitigation efforts is still insufficient to reach the goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial. Some of the science, which is truly alarming for those who understand them, are confusing and mysterious to those who don’t.  Humans all over the planet conduct their daily lives in temperatures that range from -50°F to over 100°F, so they are understandably confused when scientists describe the dire consequences of a further increase in Earth’s annual average temperature of only 1.8°F (1°C). MCAT produced this short video created by Dr. Pat DeLaquil, to help build understanding of why so little means so much! 

Why So Little Means So Much! – YouTube