MCAT is an all-volunteer organization, and members participate differently depending upon how much time they want to give, and what their interests are. There are many ways to participate, and we’d love to have you join us!

  • Some members participate simply by doing Action Alerts from home. Action Alerts are most often letters to legislators or policy makers that take less than 15 minutes each, and everything you need is provided to you. MCAT Teams prepare these Action Alerts, which are carefully researched and timely. Doing this involves only 1-2 hours of time per month and is a very valuable contribution to climate progress in Oregon. Sometimes Action Alerts are announcements for in-person or zoom events. If you choose to attend, you will meet fellow climate activists who share your values.
  • You can also lobby your legislators. MCATs lobby their state Senators and Representatives a few times each year. These are face-to-face or zoom meetings and MCAT Lobby Leads happily teach newcomers how to join in and participate at their comfort level.  It’s an essential part of promoting our climate messages to the people who most need to hear them.
  • The top level of involvement is to join a Team. Teams are on the cutting edge of state policy and legislation, and many MCATs are experts on the topics they are following, but you don’t have to be! Being a Team Member is an exciting and important way to keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening in our state, and where you can contribute to real and lasting change. Joining a Team is also a great way to learn a subject in depth that you’re curious about while making some wonderful friends along the way.

Have a question? Contact usWe’ll make sure to get back to you.

Transportation Team

The Transportation Team advocates for reducing carbon pollution from the transportation sector, Oregon’s highest carbon pollution source, and making Oregon’s Transportation System more equitable to meet our needs in the following ways: encouraging electrification of Oregon’s vehicle fleets; offering convenient and safe alternative mass transit and active transportation options; and promoting land use rules that help people meet 90% of their needs within short active transportation distances.

Forestry & Natural Lands Team

The Forestry & Natural Lands Team has one primary focus: to promote climate smart forestry in our state. Climate Smart Forestry (CSF) optimizes carbon sequestration, storage and forest resilience while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Practices include longer harvest rotations, protecting old growth and mature forests, and maintaining a diversity of species, ages and structures.

Legislative Lobby Team

The Legislative Lobby Team directly connects MCATs to climate policymaking at the source. MCAT serves as an important resource on climate change policy by producing a comprehensive summary of climate legislation, and then organizing constituents to provide that information to their legislators in ongoing face-to-face meetings.

Outreach & Education Team

The Outreach & Education Team is often the first point of contact with the public. People who have attended one of our many educational presentations, met us tabling at a public event, or who have lobbied with us in Salem have been the primary source of our new volunteers so far. 

Healthy Homes & Communities Team

The HH&C Team follows state legislative and regulatory issues associated with energy efficiency in buildings, indoor air quality related to appliances, utility rates, and the transition away from methane in homes and businesses.  We coordinate with partner organizations, including Building Resilience Coalition, Zero Coalition, Physicians for Social Responsibility and others.  In 2025 we plan to follow rule-making for legislation passed in 2023, and continue to advocate for accelerating electrification.

Clean Energy Team

The Clean Energy Team helps accelerate and guide the transition to clean energy generation, storage and transmission in the most cost-effective ways that also provide community equity and local economic development benefits to Oregonians.  In 2025 the team plans to follow rule-making for the HB 2021 Clean Electricity Law, the Climate Protection Plan (CPP) restoration, and the new Energy Strategy and Energy Security Plans.  This team coordinates with Oregon Environment Council, Renewable Northwest, Climate Solutions, Green Energy Institute and others.