Dr. Pat DeLaquil comments to ODE on the Oregon Energy Strategy Modeling
MCAT Transportation Team weighs in on MHD Rulemaking to DEQ
MCAT testimony to the 7/18 Joint Committee on Transportation’s Listening Tour
MCAT Principles for 2025 Transportation Planning
MCAT letter to Chief Moore (USFS) re: protection of Old Growth Forests
Energy Efficiency Cost Effectiveness to OR PUC, by Dr. Pat DeLaquil for MCAT
Dr. Catherine Thomasson responds to BLM re: Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument for MCAT
Dr. Pat DeLaquil comments to 3rd RAC workshop for CRR Restoration Rulemaking
Missed the 6/20 General Meeting?
MCAT Energy Strategy Modeling Recommendations for ODOE
MCAT Letter: Multifamily Energy Reporting & Tenant Notice Policy
MCAT asks BOF & DOF to act with urgency to implement CCCP, along with partners
MCAT joins coalition in support of Multifamily Energy Reporting and Tenant Disclosure Policy
Dr. Pat DeLaquil and MCAT weigh in on CPP Restoration Rulemaking
MCAT joined 24 other climate, environment and equity groups to urge that DEQ to:
1. Adopt a science-based emissions cap that achieves at least the same level of cumulative emissions
reductions by 2035 as the previously-adopted program and require immediate compliance;
2. Maintain a strong, effective, independent Community Climate Investment program that is
responsive to and prioritizes environmental justice community needs and centers environmental
justice communities in decision-making;
3. Hold large stationary source industrial polluters accountable to mandatory declining emissions
targets under the cap;
4. Utilize accurate data and cost information, including the federal social cost of carbon, to calculate
economic and cost-saving benefits of reducing emissions under the CPP; and
5. Uphold the established rulemaking timeline and commitment to readopting the rules this year.Download
1. Adopt a science-based emissions cap that achieves at least the same level of cumulative emissions
reductions by 2035 as the previously-adopted program and require immediate compliance;
2. Maintain a strong, effective, independent Community Climate Investment program that is
responsive to and prioritizes environmental justice community needs and centers environmental
justice communities in decision-making;
3. Hold large stationary source industrial polluters accountable to mandatory declining emissions
targets under the cap;
4. Utilize accurate data and cost information, including the federal social cost of carbon, to calculate
economic and cost-saving benefits of reducing emissions under the CPP; and
5. Uphold the established rulemaking timeline and commitment to readopting the rules this year.Download
Another rave review for Rand Schenck’s new book!
Dr. Pat DeLaquil Op ED in Oregonian 4-21: No Rate Increase for Gas
MCAT joins Coalition Letter to DEQ supporting the Climate Protection Program
Dr. Pat DeLaquil comments on capabilities of the modeling framework selected for the ODOE Energy Strategy.
MCAT and Partners weigh in on PGE’s latest rate hike case.
PacifiCorp plans an unnecessarily restrictive request for small scale renewable power plants
MCAT, along with other Environmental Advocates have filed comments with the Oregon Public Utilities Commission that the PacifiCorp request for small scale renewable project proposals is unnecessarily restrictive, and will likely result in more expensive projects and higher electricity rates for utility customers. Here’s a summary of the recommendations, which largely support those from the OPUC staff.
We encourage PacifiCorp to adopt Staff’s recommendations because they are designed to increase the likelihood that SSR projects will be selected through the RFP, thereby fulfilling HB 2021’s promise to provide energy benefits to Oregon communities and promote an equitable energy transition.
The Energy Advocates ask PacifiCorp to:
- Include energy storage
- Expand contract pricing options
- Allow smaller projects
- Consider load pockets and uneven growth
- Incorporate the equity questionnaire into the scoring framework
- Ensure transparency and independence in scoring and review