Pile of assorted plastic waste highlighting recycling and sustainability efforts.

Landfill Methane Monitoring (SB 726)

This bill summary was last updated on January 29, 2025.

This bill requires the owner/operators of a municipal solid waste landfill to monitor its surface for methane emissions. To accomplish this, the owner/operators must use advanced methane detection technology – which means one or more of the following: satellite monitoring, aircraft monitoring, drones, or a remote direct monitoring technology. The result of the monitoring is a set of data that describes both the methane emissions rate and its precise location on the landfill surface.

The precise details of how monitoring is to be conducted will be provided in a rule to be issued by Oregon’s Environmental Quality Commission (EQC).

Data must be reported by the owner/operators to the Department of Environmental Quality. The data report has to include a spatial geographic information system map which provides longitude and latitude measurements, together with the monitoring path across the landfill surface (where applicable). The bill describes further details for any monitoring conducted by drones.

Owner/operators must maintain their monitoring records, and must remonitor, within 10 days, any surface positions showing methane emissions that exceed levels specified in the EQC rule.