White storage tanks in an outdoor industrial setting, Cafayate, Argentina.

Hydrogen Transparency (SB 685)

This bill summary was last updated February 13, 2025.

This summary includes the -1 Amendment to the bill.

This bill requires gas utilities to notify the Oregon Public Utilities Council (OPUC) before blending or replacing natural gas with hydrogen, for delivery to its customers through its distribution system.

The notice to OPUC must specify how the hydrogen is produced and and the percentage amounts of hydrogen and natural gas in the blended product.  It must also address consistency with its most recent integrated resource plan. The gas utility is required to indicate whether it has applied for, or received, all required permits and regulatory approvals.

The notice must also address safety and maintenance standards, including risks of leakage and embrittlement of the infrastructure. It must include a description of public outreach conducted by the gas utility, as well as a detailed map of project facilities, including pipelines.

The information in the notice will become part of subsequent regulatory processes. 

The gas utility must notify OPUC of any changes in the percentage amounts of hydrogen and natural gas in the blended product. This may trigger a requirement to file a new notice.

The bill declares an emergency, asserting that it is necessary for immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety.