Category: Blog
MCAT supports funding for Fire & Water Safe Communities, Public Services
MCAT Inga Fisher Williams suggests interactive New York Times climate site:
Paulette Wittwer, MCAT, published LTE in Oregonian: Bentz Could Help Native Salmon.
MCAT Comments on Notice of Intent for the Northwest Forest Plan
MCATs join Divest Oregon for a Salem lobby day in support of the COAL Act.
MCATs joined Divest Oregon’s very successful lobby day building support and gathering new co-sponsors for Rep. Khanh Pham’s bill: The COAL Act, which would phase out out-of-state coal investments currently held in the Oregon State Treasury by 2030. For more information go to
MCAT & Coalition send letter to Board of Forestry supporting Habitat Conservation Plan
MCAT & Coalition send letters to all OR Legislators warning about NW Natural’s Hydrogen Test Facilities
Read it here:
Rand Schenck (MCAT Steering) to publish book in May: “Forest Under Seige”
Environmental activist Rand Schenck examines 100 years of Pacific Northwest forestry, through the lens of forestry practices on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. This volume offers his visceral perspective on the decades of stewardship, the period of relentless harvest, and the move toward the rebirth of old growth. As a boy, Rand Schenck hiked and backpacked in […]
Early January Newsletter
The MCAT Offshore Wind Team is growing.
MCAT has a team working to help make this enormous opportunity a reality and we encourage you to join if you have an interest. Contact us!
MCAT weighs in on tolling and transportation funding.
December Newsletter
MCAT John Perona: comments on Red Trail Energy Tier 2 application for ethanol w carbon capture.
Joint letter to OR Global Warming Commission: Mature & Old Growth Trees
The Oregon Global Warming Commission, soon to be renamed the Oregon Climate Action Commission has received a report from the OSU based Institute for Natural Resources on how to get the most from natural climate solutions. While the report highlights the need to improve forest management it does not specify what that means. In particular […]
LC 80, Round 2 Comments on PGE’s Clean Energy Plan and IRP by Energy Advocates
MCAT letter to DEQ & Kotek re: Zenith Land Use Reversal
The MCAT Steering Committee shares with other organizations their concern about the method in which Portland’s City Council reversed their decision on Zenith’s Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS). MCAT believes that their 2022 decision violates good faith and public process.
Bonneville Power needs to produce 100% Clean Energy
Bonneville Power Administration is the source of 28% of the Pacific Northwest’s electricity. They have recently produced their 2024-2028 Strategic Plan without allowing an opportunity for public comment. Although the Plan supports movement toward carbon-free sources of electricity for the 34 public utilities in Oregon who rely on BPA, it does not provide them with […]
MCAT General Meeting 11/8 @ 6:30 PM ZOOM
Jane Stackhouse: LTE on GTN Xpress in Oregonian Thank you to Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden for opposing the expansion of the Gas Transmission Northwest natural gas pipeline, (“Feds OK natural gas pipeline expansion in Pacific Northwest over environmentalist protests,” Oct. 19). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change informs us that the fastest way to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases […]
November Newsletter
Follow this link:
Round 1 Comments on PacifiCorp’s CEP & IRP
Housing & Climate Forum 10/30 & MCAT General Mtg. 11/8
Details about both events here:
10/23 To EQC re: DEQ’s 2023 Climate Rulemaking
Several MCATs participated in the extensive 18-month rulemaking and stakeholder engagement process surrounding the development of the Climate Protection Plan (CPP), which was adopted with overwhelming public support.
7/23 Energy Advocates’ Round 1 Comments on PGE’s CEP_IRP
MCAT was part of a group of interested parties, known as the Energy Advocates, that participated in the Oregon Public Utility Commission Docket regarding the Portland General Electric’s 2023 Integrated Resource Plan and Clean Energy Plan. MCAT experts contributed to the detailed comments submitted by the Energy Advocates which covered: centering energy justice and community engagement […]