Category: Blog

Rand Schenck (MCAT Steering) to publish book in May: “Forest Under Seige”

Environmental activist Rand Schenck examines 100 years of Pacific Northwest forestry, through the lens of forestry practices on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. This volume offers his visceral perspective on the decades of stewardship, the period of relentless harvest, and the move toward the rebirth of old growth. As a boy, Rand Schenck hiked and backpacked in […]

Bonneville Power needs to produce 100% Clean Energy

Bonneville Power Administration is the source of 28% of the Pacific Northwest’s electricity.  They have recently produced their 2024-2028 Strategic Plan without allowing an opportunity for public comment.  Although the Plan supports movement toward carbon-free sources of electricity for the 34 public utilities in Oregon who rely on BPA, it does not provide them with […]

Jane Stackhouse: LTE on GTN Xpress in Oregonian Thank you to Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden for opposing the expansion of the Gas Transmission Northwest natural gas pipeline, (“Feds OK natural gas pipeline expansion in Pacific Northwest over environmentalist protests,” Oct. 19). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change informs us that the fastest way to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases […]

7/23 Energy Advocates’ Round 1 Comments on PGE’s CEP_IRP

MCAT was part of a group of interested parties, known as the Energy Advocates, that participated in the Oregon Public Utility Commission Docket regarding the Portland General Electric’s 2023 Integrated Resource Plan and Clean Energy Plan.  MCAT experts contributed to the detailed comments submitted by the Energy Advocates which covered: centering energy justice and community engagement […]