Category: Blog
Dr. Pat DeLaquil Op ED in Oregonian 4-21: No Rate Increase for Gas
MCAT joins Coalition Letter to DEQ supporting the Climate Protection Program
Dr. Pat DeLaquil comments on capabilities of the modeling framework selected for the ODOE Energy Strategy.
MCAT and Partners weigh in on PGE’s latest rate hike case.
PacifiCorp plans an unnecessarily restrictive request for small scale renewable power plants
MCAT, along with other Environmental Advocates have filed comments with the Oregon Public Utilities Commission that the PacifiCorp request for small scale renewable project proposals is unnecessarily restrictive, and will likely result in more expensive projects and higher electricity rates for utility customers. Here’s a summary of the recommendations, which largely support those from the […]
Short Session WINS!
MCAT supports SB 1581-1, Regional Energy Market reporting bill.
MCAT and Coalition support SB 1572: Commuter Rail Expansion Study
Pics from MCAT Climate Action Thursday #2
2nd MCAT Climate Action Thursday Lobby Day reaches even more legislators
LC 82 (PacifiCorp IRP)- Energy Advocates Coalition Comments on Staff’s Report
To the Subcommittee on Transportation and Economic Development: Funding for the Charge Ahead Program, by Joe Stenger
Governor Supports BOEM Moving Forward with Offshore Wind Approval Process
MCAT Key Takeaways for Wildfire Policy – Print our one-pager
Ralph Bloemers, Exec. Producer of film “Elemental” speaks to MCATs on first Climate Action Thursday in Salem.
Ralph Bloemers, Executive Director of “Elemental, Reimagining Wildfires” Link spoke to MCATs on their first MCAT Climate Action Thursday Lobby Day, which was a big success.
MCAT asks for amendments to SB 1537: Catherine Thomasson MD, for MCAT
OR Capital Chronicle Guide to the Short Session
Follow this link:
MCAT publishes Legislative Outlook in preparation for opening of the short session.
The Outlook is MCAT’s collective view of important climate-related legislation that is being pursued in the upcoming legislative session. It is a combined view of the various MCAT teams and committees as well as insights gained from our legislators and partner organizations.
MCAT endorses USDA Old-Growth Initiative along with enormous coalition of NGOs.
MCAT letter to Multnomah County Commission re: “natural” gas appliances, by Pat DeLaquil
MCAT Climate Action Thursdays: Three February Lobby Days in Salem. Join us!
MCAT Testimony to the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission Regarding CPP Court Ruling: Dr. Pat DeLaquil
MCAT Professor Rob Kugler (Transportation Team) pens LTE: Fossil Fuel Industry thwarts OCPP in courts
Your comments are needed! Please contact Professor Kugler at [email protected] for background and talking points to comment on this issue.
MCAT joins letter to US Forest Service Chief Moore with prominent national orgs: Old Growth Initiative
Along with many national climate organizations like Sierra Club and Earthjustice, MCAT has signed onto the following letter supporting the protection of Old Growth in our national forests.