Requires owner/operators of landfills to regularly monitor and report methane emissions from its surface
Author: Dr. John Perona
Food Waste (HB 3018)
Requires businesses that cook, assemble, process, serve or sell food to recover and dispose of food waste.
Zero Emission School Bus Act (HB 2945)
Requires new rules for accelerating the transition to zero-emission school buses.
Performance-Based Regulation of Electric Utilities (SB 688)
Directs Oregon’s Public Utility Commission to regulate electric utilities under a new framework that better reflects the public interest.
Seismic Risk Fund Expansion (HB 2151)
Expands the allowable uses of the Seismic Risk Mitigation Fund by state agencies.
Public State Bank (SB 583)
Creates a Task Force to study the possibility of establishing a public state bank
Treasury divestment (Pause Act) (SB 681)
Directs the Oregon Treasury to enact a five year moratorium on acquiring or renewing funds that invest primarily in fossil fuels.
Right to a Healthy Environment (SJR 28)
Creates a ballot measure that, if passed, creates a new state right to a healthy environment
Risk bond study (HB 2949)
Requires DEQ to study whether bonds should be imposed on operators of fuel facilities.
Grid Enhancement Technologies (HB 3336)
Requires Oregon electric utilities to create strategic plans to incorporate Grid Enhancement Technologies into their future plans.
Statewide fuel infrastructure (HB 2152)
Requires ODOE to develop and implement a state-wide Disaster Reserves Plan for liquid fuels.
CEI Hub Transition (HB 3450)
Requires DEQ to produce a strategic energy storage transition plan by 2026.
Community solar program (SB 92)
Sets a limit on the maximum size of community solar projects, and updates the duties of electric utilities with respect to these projects.
Climate Superfund (Polluter Pays) (SB 682)
Requires large fossil fuel companies to pay retroactive damages caused by anthropogenic climate change.
One-Stop Shop (HB 3081)
Requires Oregon’s Department of Energy to expand its all-encompassing, single-resource directory of energy efficiency and incentives programs
Electric Transmission Permitting (LC 2730)
Change regulations to enable faster and simpler transmission planning.
Oregon Transmission Authority (LC 3681)
Establish an Oregon Electric Transmission Authority to coordinate planning for the state electricity grid.
Hydrogen Transparency (SB 685)
Requires gas utilities to notify the Public Utility Commission before blending hydrogen with natural gas
Joint Memorial on Bonneville Power Authority (HJM 10)
Legislative memorial to federal authorities regarding Bonneville Power Authority